Tuesday, March 16, 2010

you better believe it.

i am the girlfriend of an artist - and you know what that means, don't you? a bagillion doodles, an endless amount of art supplies, many nights without talking because projects must be finished, and yes, artwork. while he must compete with a football player and gentleman who owns a bridal shop with the same name, i truly believe that mr. mark ingram will make a name for himself in the art world.

just a taste of the good stuff - tyler and parra.

that is my mini shameless plug for my man. here is his blog for your viewing pleasure.

on another note, i saw this a few months ago - all i have to says is: what the hell (referring to the below videos)?

someone is getting a lot of press based on intrigue. i don't want to say it's brilliant, but i have to admit the marketing scheme works, but it's just sort of creepy. trent reznor, christina aguilera and i think lady gaga have already denied any connection to it, so i guess time will tell? i personally am also ruling out fever ray. karin dreijer andersson need not hide behind anonymity. i don't know if i'm more disturbed about the treelicking (in a separate video) or the fetus-like strawberry cakes. what a waste of cake.

until then, my friends.

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